
All Time Low have undeniably, albeit unassumingly, carved out their own corner of popular culture. The multi-platinum Maryland quartet have toppled charts, sold out arenas worldwide, and served up a series of instantly irresistible anthems in the process. Their catalog consists of five consecutive Top 10 albums on the Billboard Top 200 in addition to picking up multi-platinum, platinum, and gold certifications.

Speaking to their impact, Rolling Stone even named So Wrong, It’s Right among its “50 Greatest Pop Punk Albums.” In 2020, they ascended to a new commercial and critical high watermark with their eighth full-length LP, Wake Up, Sunshine. Following a #1 debut on the Top Rock Albums chart, it spawned the biggest hit of the band’s career thus far, “Monsters” [feat. blackbear].

It clinched #1 on the Billboard Alternative Airplay Chart for an unprecedented 18 weeks, emerging as the longest charting song ever at the Modern Rock format. In addition to going platinum, it notably garnered “Alternative Rock Song of the Year” at the 2022 iHeartRadio Music Awards, while superstar Demi Lovato teamed up with the group for the Official Remix. Meanwhile, the mainstream came to them as they delivered show-stopping performances everywhere from Bonnaroo and Firefly to The Late Late Show with James Corden, Jimmy Kimmel Live!, Ellen, Good Morning America, and beyond.




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Terms & Conditions



  1. Tiket hanya dapat dibeli melalui alltimelowjakarta.com. Tiket dapat digunakan untuk masuk ke konser All Time Low Live In Jakarta 2024 bersama official Partner kami yaitu Loket.com.
    Tickets can only be purchased through alltimelowjakarta.com. Tickets are only for admission to the All Time Low Live In Jakarta 2024 concert with our official partner, Loket.com.
  2. Satu transaksi hanya dapat melakukan pembelian 1 (satu) kategori tiket dengan batasan maksimal pembelian 5 (lima) tiket. Tidak ada batasan transaksi untuk 1 (satu) ID yang sama pada pembelian tiket konser All Time Low Live In Jakarta 2024.
    One transaction can only purchase 1 (one) ticket category with a maximum purchase limit of 5 (five) tickets. There is no transaction limit for the same ID in purchasing All Time Low Live In Jakarta 2024 concert tickets.
  3. Nama sesuai dengan kartu identitas yang sah bersifat wajib untuk membeli tiket All Time Low Live In Jakarta 2024. Pastikan Anda melakukan pembelian Tiket dengan menggunakan data Anda yang sah dan benar (Kartu Identitas/KK/KTP/SIM/Paspor). Tiket Anda tidak dapat diubah dan/atau dimodifikasi setelah pembelian sudah dilakukan.
    Name in accordance with a valid ID Card is required to purchase tickets to All Time Low Live In Jakarta 2024. Make sure to buy tickets using your valid and correct matching data (ID Card/KK/KTP/SIM/Passport). Your ticket(s) cannot be changed and/or modified once the purchase has been made.
  4. Panitia/Penyelenggara/Promotor tidak bertanggung jawab atas pembelian Tiket melalui calo/tempat/kanal/platform/ yang bukan mitra resmi penjualan Tiket All Time Low Live In Jakarta 2024.
    The Committee/Organizer/Promotor is not responsible for tickets purchased through brokers/channels/platforms who are not the official partner selling TICKETS for All Time Low Live In Jakarta 2024.
  5. Tiket yang sudah dibeli tidak dapat dibatalkan atau diuangkan kembali dengan alasan apapun.
    Purchased tickets cannot be canceled or refunded for any reasons.
  6. Ada 4 (empat) kategori Tiket yaitu Festival tanpa kursi, serta Tribune A, Tribune B, dan Tribune Center merupakan kategori dengan kursi bernomor. Nomor kursi akan tersedia 7 (tujuh) hari sebelum hari konser.
    There are 4 (four) ticket categories for a Festival without seats. For Tribune A, Tribune B, and Tribune Center are numbered seating. Seat number(s) will be provided 7 (seven) days before the concert day.
  7. Terdapat kuota dalam jumlah terbatas untuk tempat duduk yang dapat diakses dengan kursi roda pada kategori Festival. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan pemesanan, silakan hubungi layanan pelanggan kami untuk memproses pemesanan Anda. Untuk mendapatkan otorisasi pemesanan tempat duduk ini, Anda diwajibkan untuk melampirkan Surat Keterangan Dokter yang sah. Penyelenggara Acara hanya menerima Surat Keterangan Dokter yang berasal dari institusi yang sah, baik klinik maupun rumah sakit.
    There is a limited quota for wheelchair accessible seating at the Festival section. For more information regarding wheelchair accessible seating and booking, please contact our customer service to process your booking. To get your booking authorized, you must present your medical certificate as the proof of disability. The Organizer only accepts a legitimate medical certificate from a legitimate institution and physician.
  8. Harga Tiket tidak termasuk Pajak 10%, Biaya Platform 5% dan biaya lainnya.
    Ticket price excludes Government Tax 10%, Platform Fee 5% and Convenience Fee.
  9. Pemegang Tiket wajib menempati tempat duduk atau posisi yang telah ditentukan oleh pihak Penyelenggara sesuai dengan kategori Tiket yang dibeli.
    The Ticket Holder must occupy the seat or position that has been assigned by the Organizer according to the category of the ticket purchased.
  10. Pemegang Tiket akan diberikan e-tiket setelah pembayaran. E-tiket dilarang keras untuk diposting di media sosial demi keamanan tiket Anda.
    Ticket Holders will be given out e-tickets after payment. E-ticket is strictly forbidden to be posted on social media for the safety of your ticket.
  11. Anak dibawah umur 14 tahun wajib didampingi oleh orang tua atau wali, serta anak dibawah umur 6 tahun tidak diperkenankan masuk.
    Children under 14 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, and children under 6 years old are not allowed to enter.
  12. Untuk alasan keamanan, perempuan hamil tidak diperbolehkan menonton di area Festival (berdiri bebas), dan diwajibkan membeli tiket di kategori duduk (Tribune Center atau Tribune A & B).
    For safety reasons, pregnant women are not allowed in the Festival (free standing) area, and are required to purchase tickets in seating categories (Tribune Center or Tribune A & B).
  13. Penukaran Tiket dan waktu open gate akan diinfokan kembali oleh penyelenggara sebelum event berlangsung. Mohon untuk mengikuti sosial media penyelenggara.
    Ticket exchange and gate open time will be informed again by the organizer before the event takes place. Please follow the organizer's social media.
  14. Penukaran tiket yang diwakili oleh pihak lain wajib menyertakan surat kuasa yang telah ditandatangani di atas materai Rp 10.000,- dan membawa fotokopi/scan foto KTP sesuai dengan nama yang tertera pada saat pembelian tiket.
    Ticket redemption by other parties must provide a power of attorney letter signed and attached with IDR 10.000,- stamp along with its authorizer’s ID.
  15. Penonton bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap keamanan diri dan semua barang-barang pribadinya.
    Ticket holders are fully responsible for the safety of themselves and all their personal belongings.
  16. Penonton dilarang merekam dengan kamera profesional untuk kepentingan komersial.
    Ticket holders are prohibited from recording with a professional camera for commercial purposes.
  17. Penonton dilarang mengambil foto menggunakan flash.
    Ticket holders are prohibited from taking photos using flash.
  18. Penonton dilarang membawa senjata api, senjata tajam, dan benda-benda yang membahayakan.
    Ticket holders are prohibited from bringing firearms, sharp weapons, and dangerous objects.
  19. Penonton dilarang membawa makanan dan minuman dari luar.
    Ticket holders are prohibited from bringing food and beverages from outside.
  20. Sesuai dengan regulasi yang tertera pada Surat Edaran (SE) Satuan Tugas Penanganan Covid-19 20/2022, seluruh penonton wajib sudah menerima Vaksinasi Lengkap.
    In accordance with the regulations stated in the Circular Letter of the Covid-19 Handling Task Force 20/2022, all ticket holders must have received Complete Vaccination. Especially for viewers aged 18 years and over, they must have received a Booster Vaccine.
  21. Penyelenggara memiliki hak untuk:
    Promoter has the right to:
    • Melarang masuk penonton jika TIKET telah dipergunakan oleh orang lain/tidak valid.
      Prohibit ticket holders from entering if the TICKET has been used by someone else/is not valid.
    • Memproses atau mengajukan hukum, baik perdata atau kriminal kepada penonton yang mendapatkan TIKET dengan illegal termasuk memalsukan dan menggandakan TIKET yang sah atau mendapatkan TIKET dengan cara yang tidak sesuai prosedur.
      Process and prosecute in accordance with the prevailing civil or criminal provisions of ticket holders who obtained TICKETS illegally, including falsifying and duplicating valid TICKETS or obtaining TICKETS in unauthorized manner.
    • Dalam keadaan Force Majeure seperti bencana alam, kerusuhan, perang, wabah, dan semua keadaan darurat yang diumumkan secara resmi oleh Pemerintah, terkait kenaikan wabah covid, panitia/penyelenggara/promotor berhak untuk membatalkan dan/atau merubah waktu acara dan tata letak tempat tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya (TIKET tidak dapat direfund, tetapi bisa digunakan untuk pertunjukkan All Time Low Live In Jakarta 2024 di waktu dan tempat yang lain).
      In Force Majeure circumstances such as natural disasters, riots, wars, epidemics, and all emergencies officially announced by the Government, related to an increase in the covid outbreak, the committee/organizer/promoter has the right to cancel and/or change the event time and venue layout without notification beforehand (TICKETS are non-refundable, but can be used for the All Time Low Live In Jakarta 2024 show at another time and place).
    • Panitia/Penyelenggara/Promotor tidak bertanggung jawab atas kompensasi dan/atau biaya pembatalan untuk biaya perjalanan dan/atau penginapan yang Anda keluarkan apabila pertunjukkan dibatalkan atau ditunda.
      The Committe/Organizer/Promoter is not responsible for compensation and/or cancellation fees for travel and/or lodging expenses ticket holders purchased if the show is canceled or postponed.
    • Panitia/Penyelenggara/Promotor berhak untuk merevisi waktu acara, tata letak tempat, dan kapasitas penonton tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya.
      The committee/organizer/promoter reserves the right to revise the event time, venue layout and audience capacity without prior notification.
    • Panitia/Penyelenggara/Promotor berhak menindak tegas dan mengeluarkan pengunjung apabila tidak mematuhi peraturan yang berlaku, Do & Don’ts, menimbulkan kerusuhan, atau melanggar ketertiban umum.
      The committee/organizer/promoter has the right to take firm action and get ticket holders out of the venue if they do not comply with applicable regulations, Do & Don'ts, cause riots, or violate public order.
  22. Mohon cek akun Instagram kami (@chakraliveasia) secara berkala untuk informasi lebih lanjut seputar konser All Time Low Live In Jakarta 2024.
    Please check our Instagram account (@chakraliveasia) periodically for more information about All Time Low Live In Jakarta 2024 concert.
  23. Dengan membeli Tiket untuk ke acara konser All Time Low Live In Jakarta 2024, maka Pembeli Tiket dan Pemegang Tiket setuju untuk menaati setiap dan seluruh Syarat & Ketentuan acara yang ditetapkan dan berlaku dari waktu ke waktu.
    By purchasing tickets to the All Time Low Live In Jakarta 2024 concert, Ticket Buyers and Ticket Holders agree to comply with all the Terms & Conditions of the event that are determined and valid from time to time.


Established in 2023, Chakra Live Asia is a promoter based in Indonesia under the well-established SOD Group as our holding company with a vision to build strong and everlasting lifestyle, entertainment, and hospitality industry.
With our ability and experience, Chakra Live Asia are committed to bring the best International concert in Asia, especially Indonesia. Supported by the best team, we will deliver spectacular experience for the audience as our top priority.
All Time Low Concert in Jakarta 2024